Park Rental Reservations
Reservations for 2024 are currently being taken at the Town Hall for the Firemen's Park Pavilion. The cost is $125.00/day. Please contact the Town Hall at 920-261-1588 to reserve your date(s).
2024 Park-Rec Budget
2024 Easter Egg Hunt Pictures:
Ski Slide Park, N7935 Ski Slide Road, Ixonia

Fireman's Park Hardball Pavilion, N8345 Park St., Ixonia

Ixonia Fireman's Park Pavilion

Hostas/Perennials Needed
The Park & Rec Department would like to beautify the parks with hostas, cone flowers, black eyed susans, etc. If you have any "extra" that you would like to donate, please contact the Town Hall at 920-261-1588. Thank you!
Park and Rec. Memorial Tree Program
Anyone wishing to give a tree in memory of or in honor of a person close to them can do so by calling the Park and Rec. Department of Ixonia.
A tree can be planted at either Ski Slide Park or Firemen's Park in Ixonia. A plaque displayed in the Ixonia Firemen's Hall will have the name placed on it in honor or memory of the individual named.
If interested, please call the Ixonia Town Hall at (920) 261-1588.
Ixonia Disc Golf Course
Ixonia Park and Rec has created a Disc Golf course located in Ixonia Firemen's Park. The course is open daily and players of all ages are welcome to use it.
Ixonia Horsehoe Pits
Located at the southeast corner of the Firemen's Park (corner of Park St and North St) you will find the Ixonia Park & Rec Horsehoe Pits. Why not grab a set of horsehoes and enjoy a game with family or friends.
Ixonia Volleyball Courts
Ixonia Firemen's Park has two volleyball courts in the northeast corner of the park that are available for the public to use. Get a team together and enjoy some friendly competition.
Youth Baseball Information
See: Community/Clubs & Organizations