Jefferson County 5-Year Plan Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Notice

Jefferson County 5-Year Plan Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Notice

The Jefferson County Emergency Management Office has sent out several survey’s and held two public information meetings regarding the Jefferson County All Hazards Mitigation Plan at the Jefferson County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) 107 E. Washington St. Jefferson, WI 53549.

The purpose of these public meetings and surveys is to receive public and municipal input on the County’s All Hazard Mitigation Plan that is being updated in accordance with the Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000.

By updating this plan, the County, Towns, Cities, and Villages can become eligible for FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs.

Prior to public comments a brief presentation was made on the research that was being conducted, and on some projects that have been identified to reduce future damage and losses from hazards.

The “DRAFT Plan” is now posted on Jefferson County Emergency Management’s webpage and can be viewed using this link: >> DRAFT PLAN <<


For those individuals who did not attend any meetings and want to provide written comments, please submit them by March 27, 2025, to:

Tracy Hameau, Director
Jefferson County Emergency Management
107 E. Washington St. Jefferson, WI 53549
or via email: